Wondering what a machaca is?

The machaca is a cousin of the piranha that lives in many of Costa Rica’s lowland rivers. Our tours are done from a whitewater raft that is outfitted with a frame just for fly fishing. The fish eats a variety of fruits, nuts, insects, and baitfish…so pretty much everything. However, their favorite thing by far is a fruit called a chilamate. This is how we like to target them. To give you a better understanding of just how cool this fish is, watch the video below!



  • The closest town to our Machaca fishing tours is Puerto Viejo de Sarapiqui. This is where you will likely meet us for the day of fishing.

  • Only Full Day Option is available. Tour meets at 7:30am and typically ends around 2:30-3pm. *Times can very due to season and water conditions.

  • An 8wt fast action fly rod and floating line is recommended.

  • Average fish size is from 2-5lbs, but fish in the 8lb range have been caught.

  • Flies and leader will be provided by your guide.

  • Breakfast and lunch is included.

  • Typical fishing clothing like a hat, facemask, long sleeve fishing shirt, and long pants are suggested.

  • Since we will be on the water and around the rivers edge at times, we suggest bringing light sneakers or water sandals.


Have a question about MACHACA Fishing?

If you have any questions regarding our machaca fishing tours, please feel free to shoot us an email and we will do our best to answer any questions you may have.